Wednesday, January 30, 2008

5 lbs. 5 days.

I was on set today. Adjusting the garter's of an alien being.
It was prettiest unpretty sight I've seen.
Then I looked in the mirror, and died.
So I know I'm not 7 hundred feet tall, and Im never going to look like an emaciated 20 year old with silicone ta-ta's.


Maybe I can look like a 21 yr old 5"3 version of that with natural milk makers.
Que penses tu?
I've got 5 days to lose 5 pounds.

Im hungry already.

PEOPLE: I need your moral support. Cheer for me. Pray for me during my war against food.

1 comment:

aurora said...

Dr. McN**** : Well I think your complete pre-occupation with food is making it unable for you to not only find a job - but function normally within society.

Miss James-Stillo : Really??

Dr. McN**** : Yes...

Miss James-Stillo : Can I get that in writing??